Delta Streets Academy

Delta Streets Academy will equip young men for today and the future by providing a holistic education that promotes the highest achievement in academics and athletics, a biblical worldview, and character development marked by disciplined behavior.  We will equip young men with the necessary tools that are needed to live successfully and effectively today and in the future. Delta Streets Academy will embody and promote the spirit of individual excellence through the highest quality teachers, family and community support, and programs that are biblically based.  Delta Streets Academy will be the alternative school of choice enabling children to reach their full potential and perform successfully on standardized testing at the national level.  Delta Streets Academy will become a model school for educating children regardless of their current academic and social status.  As a result, Delta Streets Academy will become locally and regionally recognized as a school that will provide the community with its leaders and productive leaders.

DSA's Objectives

  • Delta Streets Academy will embody and promote the spirit of individual excellence through the highest quality of teachers and coaches, broad based family and community support, and programs that are biblically based.
  • Delta Streets Academy will be the alternative school of choice enabling young men to reach their full potential and perform successfully on standardized testing at the national level.
  • Delta Streets Academy will provide smaller classrooms and utilize certified, qualified staff so that individualized instruction can be provided to our students.
  • Delta Streets Academy will uphold a high standard for academics and athletics, training these young men on the fields as well as the classroom.
  • Education can only take place in a clean, safe environment; consequently, Delta Streets Academy will provide such an environment.
  • Each student has a unique learning style.  Because of the varied leaning styles of students, the school will actively engage students in the learning process and provide a variety of teaching strategies that will encourage all students to learn.
  • Ongoing evaluation of Delta Streets Academy's curriculum, its teaching strategies, and its various programs is necessary to achieve high quality education.
  • While implementing each one of these key characteristics, Delta Streets Academy will weave the Gospel of Jesus Christ into all areas of the school believing that glorifying God and enjoying Him forever is the foundation upon which all else is built at Delta Streets Academy.

Our Strategic Plan


To accomplish its mission and achieve its vision, Delta Streets Academy recognizes seven strategic areas.

  1. Accreditation:  Our school will demonstrate to the public that we strive for excellence by meeting the rigorous requirements and standards of MAIS accreditation.  Our commitment, however, is to exceed these standards in our academic objectives. 
  2. Curriculum:  The curriculum is the medium for equipping students with the exposure, experiences, and education they need to function effectively in society.  With the importance of curriculum in mind, we have selected, what we feel, is the proper curriculum to accomplish our vision and philosophy.
  3. Faculty/Staff Development:  Our teachers are the key to the academic process.  Consequently, we will offer faculty and staff development topics that are a) requested by our faculty b) perceived as a need by our administration.  Administration will also be required to seek out and attend development programs designed specifically for school administrators.
  4. Student Assessment: Delta Streets Academy firmly believes that we must measure the effectiveness of the teaching/learning process.  We are committed to regular student assessment.  Such assessment provides the information needed to diagnose the student’s beginning academic level, prescribe an effective course of study tailored to the individual student and prepare the student for optimum performance on national standardized tests.  We administer the Stanford Achievement test each spring.
  5. Technology:  Delta Streets Academy is committed to equipping its students to function productively in a society that is increasingly technologically oriented.  Students will receive instruction in the utilization of both computer and internet to enhance leaning.  Technology classes will not be taught, at this point, separate and apart from other classes.  The use of technology will be integrated into the subject areas and utilized by the student during classes that lend themselves to the use of computer/internet.
  6. Parental/Community Involvement:  Delta Streets Academy is committed to involving parents and guardians in the learning process.  The home’s involvement is vital if learning is to be reinforced.  We are committed to involving parents and volunteers to this end.
  7. Development:  Delta Streets Academy is fully privately funded.  The families we target can least afford private school education.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon us that we constantly seek both personal and foundation contributions so that the can remain an extremely low tuition based school.  In order to maintain support from donors, we must maintain the highest standards of excellent in both academics and behavior.

© 2015 Delta Streets Academy
204 E. Church Street
Greenwood, MS 38930
(662) 897-9876